Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For Hispanics Everywhere, Something to Gleam About

It finally happened.
After decades of stories, jokes, and legends about the stereotypical, iron-fist ruling disciplinarian most Hispanic children like to refer to as their mothers, America now has one too. President Obama this week appointed Sonia Sotomayor, a Puerto Rican from the Bronx and a former New York federal appeals judge, to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic to receive this honor.
Despite criticism from the Republican Party for her liberal tendencies, this will mean the world to so many people, as America continues to shatter the ethnic barriers that have ruled the land for so long.
More so than ever, US immigrants of the late 1950s/early 1960s are finally starting to see their sacrifices from having moved to this country pay off. This is also huge for Puerto Ricans specifically, as Judge Sotomayor's promotion is perhaps the most high-profile position in the government to have been held by a Puerto Rican.
I truly believe these next four years in the government will continue to exhibit new ethnic barriers being shattered. President Obama may have been the catalyst, but it obviously does not end with him.
Being half Puerto Rican myself, I can attest (and joke) that there is nothing more intimidating and ratifying than an angry Puerto Rican mother- now, America will have their own, a great opportunity for a prestigious and proud Latina.
Let's hope these trends continue.