Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let a Stranger Take You Home?

Some of you may not have seen the new (and surprisingly catchy) Heineken commercial that's been airing for the past few weeks:

The ad has been raising lots of questions marks as to the message it is conveying: "Let a stranger take you home". In my view, the original intended message here is the same politically correct message that every liquor company feels obliged to promote: don't drink and drive [by letting a stranger drive you home]. But aren't we missing the bigger picture here? Weren't we always trained to not even take candy from strangers as little kids, let alone hop in their car and let them drive us home?

Obviously, I'm exaggerating the severity of this message, but if you're Heineken, how on earth do you let that air? The commercial itself is so well produced, but it desperately needs an applicable punch-line that doesn't carry any unintentional criminalistic insinuations. I'm not saying their current slogan is offensive, it just makes them seem a bit ridiculous and difficult to take seriously.
If one were to give Heineken the [unlikely] benefit of the doubt, however, you could argue that they knew their message would be controversial but that it would get enough people discussing the ad that they'd receive lots of free publicity. Probably not the case, however, as I haven't seen a single news station discussing the commercial. Heineken is such a well-respected brand, however, that I'm sure they won't suffer any serious consequences for their "mis-messaging".

The point here is, I love this commercial. I love the song, I love the way its filmed, and the old jolly cab driver seals the deal for everyone, especially if you've been in that situation before. And because I love it so much, I need to see it receive its proper justice: a good punch-line that actually pertains to what the commercial is trying to say without creating any obvious unintentional double meanings.

Any suggestions?

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